Hi there, I have 9/10 heroic experience and am looking for a raid guild progressing through heroic with intentions in raiding mythic as well. Looking for a guild that raids a minimum of 3 days a week. I would be a consistent member to add to your roster. I would be on time, come prepared, and pump. Looking for a team that is dedicated to raiding and M+. I’m available for raiding in the evening. If Interested please leave a message in game or pm/mail Kenji in game. My bnet is Agnika#11457 ; Looking forward to joining your team. Thanks.
Still looking.
I just want to find a group that I can join and stop pugging
Hey Kenji.
Sent you a quick Btag request. Would be happy to set up a trial for our team progressing into Mythic.
We are also interested in your services, however it may be a step back for you initially as we are just getting the team together. (We just came over from Illidan and started the guild.) But we are being selective and filling quickly for immediate heroic progression. We raid Fri and Sat 6pm server.
You can hit me in game on cosmanova or discord Gorlock#7739