is a Semi-Hardcore raiding guild that will be pushing Ulduar hard modes on release
What is Expected
- All raiders should come prepared for each raid, including encounter knowledge and required consumables, professions (double crafting required on ulduar release) and items.
- Raiders should know their role, perform it without question and be open to constructive criticism.
Loot? Loot is handled as transparently as possible using a loot council system and public player generated loot lists (ThatsMyBIS)…
Currently recruiting all exceptional players. Within special need of the current classes as well for Ulduar Prog.
- Blood DK
-Holy Pally ( Will consider Resto Shaman)
-DPS Shaman Willing to Resto as OS
-Any high parsing ranged DPS feel free to apply!
Contact via discord
Khak#5872 Brooke#5688, Sadge#6822 or MasonOl#9904