Donkeys is a semi-hardcore guild with leadership that has stemmed across multiple games with top US kills in the past. With a much more relaxed raid schedule, we have efficient raiding as our #1 priority. That being said, we have several raiders pushing for top PVP ranks and have active members that enjoy the game at its core whom you’ll frequently find pugging or raiding with other guilds on their alts. We aim to clear content in a swift manner and hold our raiders to high standards.
Also note, we are the first and currently the only guild on Whitemane doing splits for Naxx
BWL Best : 0:25min Ended phase 4 Horde 3rd on Whitemane
AQ40 Best 0:36min Ended Phase 5 US 15 and #1 Whitemane
Naxx Best 56:25 while splitting. Ended Phase 6 World 25 and #1 Whitemane
Kara Best 41:53 World #1
As of now, we are recruiting any and all exceptional players who feel they would be a strong asset to the guild.
You are required to have an alt by the end of your trial period.
Our raid times are Sat-Sun 4-8 PM PST
Continuing on with splits, our Roster has grown to an enormous size. We have additional days during the week to fit all of our Kara/Gruul/Mags.
11 Karas throughout the week and 5 25 man groups!
We allow raiders to host GDKP’s through our discord!
Loot is handled via loot council for high-priority pieces with the mindset of what would benefit the raid the most. That’s not to say performance and attitude aren’t also taken into account, just come with the mindset that we are a collective entity, not 40 individual players. Everyone will get their loot!
What is expected of an Ideal Donkeys Raider
EVERYONE is expected to come to raid with full consumables and world buffs. While we understand raids in Vanilla are simple and puggable, we are looking to embrace the competitive aspect via speed clear and improve our rankings. This is also a great way of measuring the dedication and performance of a raider.
All raiders are subject to log analysis, nobody is capable of playing perfectly but we do our best to min-max and help our players perform at an adequate level. We ask that all trials have a healthy mindset and be open to any criticism.
If you have any interest or would like to inquire further, feel free to reach out!
Bnet : optimusprime#12104, bigsucc#1657
Discord link JVHyWFYf6F
Lastly, thank you to anyone who had an interest in Donkeys