[H] <WET> Tu/Th 7:30-10:30pm CST | Filling out Mythic roster

WET of Mal’Ganis is recruiting effective raiders who are looking to have a semi-hardcore raid on a relatively light 2-day schedule. We raid Tuesday/Thursday from 730-1030pm CST/Server [830-1130 EST], with push night/off-day raids on Saturday.

WET has been together since Legion and we are coming back to retail raiding for SL. We’re recruiting experienced raiders who are either also coming back to the game or players who just want to raid on a lighter schedule but still push Cutting Edge. All raiders must know about parsing, how to sim their gear, how to read logs, etc. and intend to push Mythic raid content in a fun environment. There’s not going to be room for excessive wipes so the standards for mechanic execution and class/spec understanding are high. We will not mandate classes or backups, though applying with multiple viable specs available will certainly help you out.

We will highly consider any logs you have to submit from Castle Nathria as well as previous raid tiers. The plan is to roll a 25 person roster in order to rotate classes in as needed and prevent wipes on the attendance boss.

Our current recruitment needs are listed, but all skilled raiders are encouraged to apply. Specific class demands are subject to change. We are looking for DPS who parse above 75 that are focused on mythic progression, and tanks/heals with a focus on running m+ and subbing for raids when needed.

Class needs:

WW Monk
Balance Druid

Fire Mage
Aff Lock

Demo Lock
Arms Warrior
Ret Pally

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