[H] West Virginia Recruiting for BoD Barthilas

<West Virginia> We are a Fresh made guild for BOD on Barthilas Horde looking for new members to fill out spots in a core raid group. We are currently raiding on Monday and Wednesday nights from 8-11pm server time. We are currently a team returning from WoD and are looking to complete current content in a 2 day a week raiding guild. We have a number of members who regularly run M+ and are also looking for members to take part in pushing some keys. We are currently accepting all classes but in main need of 1 Tank/dps OS

Holy/Disc Preist

Holy Paladin

Resto Shaman

Melee dps: Rogue , Ret Paladin, Fury/ Arms Warrior

Any Ranged DPS

Even if your class is not on the list we will look at everything

As mentioned we are pretty casual and are happy to just take it as it comes but are also looking to complete content. If this is something your also looking for then Contact either Leak#11254 Niklaus#11370

Still Looking for DPS and Heals

Still after a tank?

Yes we are =) contact Leak#11254 and we can have a chat if your still interested =)
sorry the late reply, holiday work Schedules