[H] We have a Bear recruiting +15 key pushers/ 2nd raid team


If you’re looking for a home with your pals interested in pushing keys, we are expanding our M+ community.

We usually run keys 10pm EST++ (sometimes to 3am) Fridays to Mondays, & occasionally after raid Tues-Thurs past 1am.

For those wanting to grow and learn, be in the mindset necessary to push +10-12s. Watch videos and pick up strategies.

We are open to opening up a second heroic or mythic prog raid team, preferably on non conflicting hours for raiders to bring equally geared alts or misc, or to increase the overall playtime of our growing roster of dedicated raiders.

If you are looking for a community or home, and or are missing a couple raiders on your team, feel free to PM me at the following:

Draikyo#1145 (BNET)
Ragnaroll#7770 (Disc)

Bump! Thump!