[H] Warlock LF 2 day mythic raiding guild

Would love the chance to chat with ya we are on A52 add my btag fleet#1643

Hello Xxeslana,

I represent Really Bad Players on Horde, Area-52 — a 2-night guild that is looking to bolster our roster in this and future tiers. We’re an adult-natured guild that looks to balance CE progression with busy schedules and a tastefully profane atmosphere. Having taken a look at your post we are curious to know if you’d be interested in hearing more about our guild.

Guild Info
● Sunday & Monday raids from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM PST (10:00 PM to 2:00 AM EST)
● 9/10M Castle Nathria, CE in raids expansions prior
● Loot distributed via loot council (RCLootCouncil)
● Website https://www.reallybadplayers.wtf
Raider.io https://raider.io/guilds/us/area-52/Really%20Bad%20Players
● WarcraftLogs https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/area-52/Really%20Bad%20Players

If you are interested or have any questions don’t hesitate to reply. discord: Azzekal#6909

Hey there Xxeslana!

If Tues/Wed are the days you’re available to raid, we could certainly use another talented warlock on our team!


< Battle Hardened > is looking for progression raiders to push high-end content in Shadowlands. Our raiders thrive in a friendly raid environment, with the expectations that each of our raiders will pull their weight and know their class/mechanics without the extra necessity of negative criticism.

< Battle Hardened > Schedule:

Tues 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Raid *
Wed 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Raid *
Thurs 6-9pm Server (PST) - Optional Guild PVP (RBGs)
Fri 6-9pm Server (PST) - Heroic Raid
Sat 6-9pm Server (PST) - Heroic Raid
Sun 6-9pm Server (PST) - Optional M+ Night

*Denotes mandatory raid nights for mythic raiders

Most Recent Progression:
Mythic Weekday Team
10/10 Normal Castle Nathria
10/10 Heroic Castle Nathria
6/10 Mythic Castle Nathria


  • Discord (with working mic)
  • 75%+ mandatory attendance on raid nights
  • Ability to log on by 5:50pm on raid nights
  • Personal Prepots (flasks/feasts provided)
  • Ability to receive constructive criticism
  • Hatred of puns and terrible jokes

How to Apply

Fill out the quick application at tinyurl. com/bh-application
OR reach out to Shalathe via btag or discord.

Contact Us:
Guild Master: Shalathe (In-Game)

  • BattleTag: Shalathe#1841
  • Discord: Shalathe#9581

(One Shot Is Never Enough) Bleeding Hollow Looking to Grow our Mythic Team Tue/ Thurs 9est to 11:30est. RBG’S on the weekend and mythic + on off nights. We are AOTC Guild that does casual Mythic Progress as well. Currently looking for a 2 dps and 1 flex healer/dps.

We have 3rd raid night every other week on Mon (Optional/alt run). Returning Players and casual Players welcome. Battle.net Fenadorm#1793

Hello! MY guild is recruiting a strong warlock to fill our last Rdps slot for our CE push in 9.1. I’d love to chat in disc or on bnet feel free to add me. We went 8/10m with a casual mythic mindset early in the tier and made a shift and managed to hit 8/10m by mid may when we hung it up for the tier as we had a lot of attrition to TBC.

disc; Chupe#5773
bnet: Dirtnglitter#1991

If you’re still looking, have a look at Crisp.

Hey you don’t want to transfer! We are on your server.

Quick Bio
We are Inconceivable, a newly formed guild on Area 52. We have been clearing content together since 2015 and have recently created a new guild under new ownership! We have a fun, friendly, relaxed environment both in raid and outside of raid with the goal of pushing for CE each tier.

Attendance: Each and every raiders is expected to have 90% attendance. Players who cannot maintain 90% attendance will be sat on the bench and will remain in that spot until they can prove otherwise.
Consumables: each raider is expected to have full consumables. That means, food, flask, pots (enough for pre and post pulls) vantus runes, augment runes, oils, and armor kits. As we supply flask, food, and usually vantus runes, we still expect them to be in your bags.
Knowledge of class: Nobody is the forefront expert on their class. We expect all raiders to understand their class, and keep putting in the effort to be better.
Knowledge of fights: An understanding of all fights that the guild may be progressing on and farming.
Attitude: Always have a good attitude. Many of us come to raid because it is our escape from the real world. If you cannot come and wipe on a progression boss all night while keeping a good, positive, fun attitude, you may not want to inquire.

Raid Times
Wednesday/Thursday 10pm-1am EASTERN
Optional Night: Tuesday 10pm-1am est.

What we need
Holy Pally
Resto Shaman
Resto Druid

Shadow priest
Swing DPS/Heal

Swing DPS/Tank

Discord: Vergina#7454
Battle.net: Hombre#11109

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Fallen Empire Mal’Ganis is recruiting for CE progression!

  • Progression: 9/10 M CN (175 pulls at Sire P3, roster boss got us)
  • Raid Times: Wed/Thurs 9PM-12AM EST, optional Saturday Heroic 9 EST
  • Needs: DPS (bonus points for DK, lock, mage), all excellent players always encouraged to apply

We are a 2-day 6-hour CE guild with a chill but focused atmosphere, and no toxic players allowed! We’re a resilient group of fun-loving raiders who just want to taste that sweet, sweet CE once again. Our illustrious leader employs the 21st man strategy when the roster allows for it. So come on and enable him, you won’t regret it! Feel free to check out past vods to get a sense of the group!

Please fill out an application if interested and reach out to chat with us with any questions. Looking forward to meeting you and hopefully playing with you soon. :smiley:

  • WowProgress: https ://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/mal-ganis/Fallen+Empire
  • Application: https ://apply.wowaudit.com/us/malganis/fallen-empire/mythic-raid?preview
  • Twitch: https ://www.twitch.tv/daberry573

Contact GM Wek at:
Dr. Wek#1632 - discord
Slayna#1159 - bnet

Contact Healing Officer Livie at:
livie#4169 - discord
livie#11751 - bnet

Heya – I’d love to chat with you about my guild. We’re on Mal’Ganis and recruiting some more good players who are interested in mythic progression, and who enjoy running keys. We raid every Tues/Thurs from 7-10PM CST. If you’re still looking for a guild home and would like to chat, you can get in touch with me on Discord: CatLady#1234

Hello! I am Urobar of Autonomy!

Autonomy of Spinebreaker is currently recruiting for 9.1 and onward. We were 5/10m on 2 separate teams in CN and 10/12M in Nyalotha. We are reforming after taking a break at the end of CN due to burnout and the like.

We are going to raid Tuesday/Wednesaday 7:30-10PM PST
We are currently looking for the following classes/Specs/Roles:
Warlock - High priority
Resto Shammy - High priority (ele OS even better)
Shadow Priest - Medium priority
Boomkin - Medium priority
Mage - Medium priority
Melee - Medium priority
Hunters - No need apply (sorry have to many already)

All players and classes except for hunters are encouraged to apply.

We are looking to go far into Mythic with sights set on CE but wanting to get as far as we can.

Apply below or add me on Bnet or Discord at:
Bnet: BloodxxMerc#1592
Discord: BloodxxMerchant#4532

Hope to hear from you soon!

Hi Xxeslana,

I don’t know if you’ve already found a new home, but if you’re still on the hunt, feel free to give us a look. My guild < Part Time Heroes > on Hyjal is a casual raiding guild. Our Mythic Raid Team is focused on getting Cutting Edge before the tier is finished. We are currently gearing up for SoD and we could use a capable warlock to help us reach our goal!

Our raid days/times are Th/M 8-11pm PST. Not sure if that aligns well with what you’re looking for, but if you can swing the times, we may be a good fit! If you’re interested, I’d love to chat!

My Btag and a link to our guild post are below. Hoping to hear from you soon! Thanks!



Hello Xxeslana! I’m Neithia, the GM of Blacklisted on Thrall.

Welcome back to the game! Irl is always more important than WoW, happy to hear you’re doing better! :slight_smile: I think we may be a good fit! We raid 2 days a week: Tues/Thurs 9pm to 11:30pm EST. Our guild is an 18+ Guild, please check out our forums post for more info on our Guild:

Would love to chat, my btag is below:

Hi Xxeslana,

If you are still open we are actively looking for dps.

:speech_balloon: Team Name: Good Vibez
:busts_in_silhouette: Guild: Envelop
:globe_with_meridians: Realm: Illidan

:calendar: Schedule:
Tuesdays & Wednesdays (8:00 - 11:00p CT) Realm Time

:crossed_swords: Progression Type:
AOTC & Mythic

:dizzy: CURRENT PROGRESSION : 0/10 H | 0/10 M

Good Vibez is a mythic-minded semi-hardore raid team formed in patch 7.2.5. We come together each week to slay internet dragons, get those epics, and have fun as a group of online friends. Our goal each tier is to get AOTC and push into mythic, ideally making a bit more progress than the tier before.

Past Progression:

Uldir: 8/8 H 3/8 M
BFD: 9/9 H 3/9 M
COS: 2/2 H
EP: 8/8 H 4/8 M
Nya: 12/12 H 10/12 M
CN. 10/10 H 4/10 M

Current Needs:

We update our needs weekly on our team website listed below. That said we are always interested in making new friends, so even if we don’t have your spec listed, feel free to apply anyway and we will consider your application.

How to Apply:

If this all sounds good, check us out and apply!


:question: Questions:
Add me on Discord: Snake#7729

Hi, I think you would be good fit for our guild. You can find some more information in our forum post here [H][Tichondrius]<Hyperbole> 5/10M 10/10H Sat/Sun Mythic Raiding
You can also reach me on b.net (Lucro#11792) or on Discord (Lucro#6215)

Hi, I am from the guild Agony on Area 52, we are currently 6/10 mythic CN, looking to fill out our roster for 9.1 and looking to push for CE. We are currently looking to add more dps players and would love for you to join

Our current raid times are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9:00pm EST - 12:00am EST. We have an optional raid time on Sundays at 9:00pm EST - 12:00am EST for farming heroic.

If interested you can msg me on bnet (Anemia#11356) or discord (Anemia#9539)

Hello, from Nerve-EmeraldDream 10/10M we are a 2 night raiding guild Thesday/Thursday from 8-12pm EST. We finished our tier 4th on the server and 1st for Alliance side. We are currently looking for 1 more dps player to fill our last position if you are interested and would like more information please contact me via discord

Discord: atlien#1442
Bnet : jcz#1194

Hi Xxeslana,

If you are willing to consider Alliance, Its Mine I Licked It could use a strong warlock! I’ll put the copy and paste, complete with app form and my contact info, below and hope to hear from you:

Hey we are on Area 52 as well. Hit me up!

Quick Bio
We are Inconceivable, a newly formed guild on Area 52. We have been clearing content together since 2015 and have recently created a new guild under new ownership! We have a fun, friendly, relaxed environment both in raid and outside of raid with the goal of pushing for CE each tier.

Attendance: Each and every raiders is expected to have 90% attendance. Players who cannot maintain 90% attendance will be sat on the bench and will remain in that spot until they can prove otherwise.
Consumables: each raider is expected to have full consumables. That means, food, flask, pots (enough for pre and post pulls) vantus runes, augment runes, oils, and armor kits. As we supply flask, food, and usually vantus runes, we still expect them to be in your bags.
Knowledge of class: Nobody is the forefront expert on their class. We expect all raiders to understand their class, and keep putting in the effort to be better.
Knowledge of fights: An understanding of all fights that the guild may be progressing on and farming.
Attitude: Always have a good attitude. Many of us come to raid because it is our escape from the real world. If you cannot come and wipe on a progression boss all night while keeping a good, positive, fun attitude, you may not want to inquire.

Raid Times
Wednesday/Thursday 10pm-1am EASTERN
Optional Night: Tuesday 10pm-1am est.

What we need
Swing DPS/Healers

Shadow priest
Swing DPS/Heal
Demon Hunter
WW Monk

Swing DPS/Tank

Discord: Vergina#7454
Battle.net: Hombre#11109

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Did you find a guild? I have a good opportunity for you if interested!