[H] <Vibe> Recruiting more TBC raiders! (T/T Raid 8-11)

Tight group of experienced players with history in World of Warcraft since Vanilla. We are optimizing our 25 man roster for clean and efficient weekly clears.

The goal of VIBE is to progress as a team and have fun while doing it. We are looking for dedicated, skilled and reliable players that take ownership of their performance/responsibilities and can commit to raid times consistently.

Tuesday and Thursday - 8:00 - 11:00pm EST

Raid times do not change, sign-ups are posted at least one day prior to raid. We do not raid past raid time.

We currently have all content on farm weekly, 11/11 Kara (2 teams) and 3/3 Gruul/Mag. 6/10 in Phase 2

Currently open for the classes listed below and we will accept players that have put in the effort to obtain Pre-Raid BIS. These spots complete our needs filling out our core 25 man team!

Current Needs:
1 Resto Druid
1 Ret Paly
1 Arms Warrior
1 Hunter
1 Mage
1 Warlock

Guild Perks:
Raid Leadership
Profession assistance to assist with consumes and raid requirements
Active group of players that can assist when needed
Firm raid times
Fair loot distribution - Loot Council MS>OS

If you are interested, please contact us for more information.

Discord: Rekurve#0376
In Game: Rekurve

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Update: Recruiting Resto Shaman to complete our raid roster! PST either Cryptstorm, Rekurve, Brutalkin, Mnemonik in game! Thanks!
You can also Apply directly to our discord!
https:// discord.gg/ gqHuTtSW (remove spaces)

Still in need of just 1 Resto Shaman to complete our raid roster! ^^^^^^^

b u m p i n ’

bump. Ret pallies 10/10