Hello fellow server members!
I come to you with a request, for DPS! We are currently running to clear Heroic Sanctum here soon, we’re at 4/10H starting this week, hoping we can push maybe up to 6/10 H, and this is where you come in.
We need more DPS! We desperately need an Unholy Death Knight, but really we need more DPS in general! A mix of ranged and melee.
We currently have 2 x Enhancement Shamans, 2 x Hunters, 1 x Arcane Mage, 1 x Warlock, 2 x Demon Hunters, 1 x Rogue, but we are needing about 5-6 more!
Looking for a guild that has cookies, movie nights, trivia nights, and game nights? LOOK NO FURTHER! Newer to the Realm, Vendetta is here to bring the Social Aspect and the Raiding Aspect as one cohesive unit.
You can reach me at Cleoatore#1937 on Battle.net, and if its easier, Cleoatore#8861 on Discord.
Our raid times are Weds/Thurs 8pm-10pm Server Time.
Hope to see you here soon!