[H] <VENDETTA> Fri / Sat 10-1 ST

[H] LF Dedicated raiders for 25M/10M Hard-modes/Heroics. Sub 2hr naxx with speed-focus. Guild has been raiding together since Sept 2019. 17/17 with 3 drake Raid times: Fri/Sat 10-1 am ST. High Priority: Arms warrior / Combat Rogue / Shaman DPS.

Please have logs.

Check out Twoiq on warcraft logs, spellhance. Not the most impressive logs but they were with pug groups mostly and only 2 kills logged for naxx. hmu on bnet if interested, yoloswag420#1627.

Bump. Looking now. Will contact shortly to let you know either way. Will have answer by the end of the night.

Hey bro, I’m in Vendetta with Believeinme. We looked over your logs. Not bad for pug runs I’d say and your gear checks out. I sent you a battle.net friend add so we could give you more details. Also welcome to hit up Willowpwns in game. I’d like to give you our discord as well so you can poke around.


Bump: Looking for Arms and Combat rogue.