[H] [US] [Thrall] <Mosaic> 1/8 M 7/8 H Tues/Fri 9pm-12am EST // Join our community!

Mosaic was founded officially in August of 2020. However, originally, we started as a group of close friends that wanted to expand our adventures and bring new people into our tight-knit community that want to grow and be involved. Quickly, it grew into a place that continues to blow our expectations! Our primary goal is to enjoy content from a progression oriented mindset but not at the cost of breaking the community. Our mindset has always been community first and you can see us strive to that everyday in our motto of “apart we can achieve little, but together we can truly reach greatness”.

Mosaic is a challenge focused, chill and respectful guild open to expanding, while keeping a tight community. While we enjoy progression and end game content, our main aim is to have a place where players of all skill levels can find groups, raid, pvp, mythic+ and enjoy the camaraderie that brings us together. We think it’s possible to push content seriously, while keeping a chill environment of people hungry to learn. All we ask is for you to have a team first mindset, get involved, and have fun!

Tuesday 9pm -12am EST
Friday 9pm - 12am EST
We require all raiders to have a team first mindset and be respectful. We are always striving to do our best in progression and performance. Our goal is always Mythic progression each tier.

:star: We are currently looking to add the following roles to our progression team…
Mage, Ele Shaman, Shadow Priest, DPS/Heal Evoker capable of flexing. We also currently have 1 open full time heal spot that can be filled by any priest, shaman or evoker.

All applicants are considered so please don’t let these hinder you from reaching out if you feel we are the right fit.

Mythic Mondays: Each week we spam clean up runs to help get everyone a maxed out vault. One of our busiest nights!
The vast majority of our guild does mythic plus at minimum to a KSM level. We even have a few push teams created that look to go above and beyond that mark each season. You would not log on throughout the week and ever not see a key group being formed!

We currently have a group of roughly 8 people who are dedicated to push arena is DF. We also have intentions to do guild rbg’s as well. If you’re looking for a casual to more hardcore PvP experience we have them all.

We have some pretty big goals at Mosaic and one of them is to create not only a guild but a refuge away from the toxicity to a place where you can build true friendships with the people you game with. Our discord is always active in voice and out, we have multiple members trying their hand at streaming and our GM is a sucker for the old school community events so rarely a week goes by without some sort of in game competition, event or griefing each other in an impromptu Fall Guys night.

If any of this sounds like something you want more info about please reach out to us so we can get your journey started! You will not regret it, all we ask is you jump in and enjoy the ride with us.

DISCORD JBrews#3223 BNET JBrews#11807


Friday Bump!

Sent you a Discord friend request, my dude!

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Sounds good!

We’ve got some great people!

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Excited to get some new peeps in for Dragonflight!

Monday Bump!

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Tuesday Bump!

Wednesday Bump!

Saturday Bump!

Sunday Bump for new peeps :slight_smile:

Still looking to add more great people for Dragonflight!

o/ Hello! Are you guys open to cross faction? I main horde, however… the purple elves just hit diff. I main a priest (healing, doesn’t matter disc/holy whichever is needed/better); I do play other classes/specs I’m just not as good on them :rofl:

hmu on discord if x-faction is cool! Jadzie#3664

Sent ya a discord request :slight_smile:

Tuesday Bump!

It’s Wednesday so let’s go to the top!

Happy Patch Day Bump!

Monday Bump!

Yooooooo I like this post

Wednesday Bump!