[H] [US] [Mal'Ganis] <Blind Pick Heroes> 7/10M

Recruitment Needs

DPS: Any with a strong preference on Boomy and DK/Lock
could use a solid ranged healer.

Raid Time

Tuesday, Thursday 8:15 - 11 PM EST (5:15 - 8 PST)

Guild Info

We are a guild full of highly active players. We consist of family and long time friends, as well as people we have recruited along the way. We are progression minded with expectations from each individual, but laid back enough to not push realm first anything. Our plan for Shadowlands is to obtain AOTC each tier and push for CE soon after.

Guild Member Expectations

  • Most people have lives outside of WoW, so missing raids is not a big deal as long as you give ample notice. However, if you intend to be a part of the Mythic core, you will be expected to make most raids.
  • You must be able to take constructive criticism as we always have progression as our core mindset.
  • We are all long out of high school, so if you are prone to cause drama or easy to offend, this is most likely not the guild for you.
  • Finally, we are all open minded people, so allow your voice to be heard if you have any ideas or issues.


In game:

EShrektion#11448 / heybob#1452

Discord (preferred):


1 Like

We are also looking for an enhancement shaman for the love of god!!

We’ve made great progress so far, excited to push further in to CN!

Looking for pumpers and by pumpers i mean gas pumpers. thanks

Add another to the kill count. 5/10M

Expecting to be 6/10M soon!

still loooking for mechanically inclined friendly faces!!

Need some friendly faces to come pump the meters! Please!

still seeking a few pumpers to come hangout and raid!

Need ranged dps and a healer LETS GET CE TOGETHER!

Rumor has it they provide 2 cauldrons in addition to Heybob teachin free banjo lessons.

could use a solid healer and ranged dps!

Need Ranged dps and any healer besides holy pally or resto sham!