[From Ashes] Is a raiding focused guild with determined members who enjoy pushing themselves to conquer the most challenging content in the game. We pride ourselves on being able to strike a balance between having a semi-casual atmosphere, while achieving end game success. We understand that life always comes before the game, but when it’s time to work we do expect raiders to come prepared and ready to perform.
Our membership has grown steadily over the past few years which has formed strong bonds of friendship and loyalty within our guild. We love getting to know new members, and our officers are always willing to help no matter your skill or experience level. We do have a vast and vocal roster with many colorful personalities, so be prepared for a fun and exciting time with From Ashes. (Rated M for mature)
Yes! We are looking for new raiders!!!
Our current schedule will be as follows:
Tuesday and Wednesday 7:00pm - 10:00pm Server Time- Main raid Friday 7:00pm - 10:00pm Server Time (Fun Run/Alt friendly)
If you have any questions you can contact any of the following members:
GM: Stargazyr [Star#1494]
Officer: Ebonrage [Nate#1585]
Officer: Woßßert [Morfin#1478]
Officer: Petrgrifin [Ryanrocks789#1547]
Officer: Bavmoarda [Sheirlyndria#1787]
Officer: Quindolight [Quindo#1402]