Guild and Server: <Evolutionists> Horde Emerald Dream - US
Raid Days/Times: Wednesday/Friday 6:30pm-9:30pm server time (CST)
Current Progression: 8/8H - Come push into mythic content with us!
Recruitment Contacts: KiNgRoLLpeKe#1600 (blizz battletag) alva#5184 (discord username, prefer to be contacted on discord)
Requirements: All classes/specs are welcome. We are currently pushing Mythic Eternal Palace content, and are gearing up alts for 8.3. Are you new to heroic or mythic content? No problem! We help new members gear up and learn as long as you’re willing to put your best foot forward. We also frequent M+, battlegrounds, arenas, and participate in social events. Elitist or arrogant behavior is not welcome at all. Teaching, growing, learning, and being better as a team is welcome and encouraged. We are an AotC-focused guild, with aspirations to push forward into mythic when ready during the tier.
Needs: All specs/classes are welcome. In raid, we have flexibility.