[H] [US] [Area 52] <Retrospec> 10/10H 5/10M is a late night, inclusive, CE Driven 2-day mythic raiding guild looking for experienced DPS

Retrospec <Area 52> is a new raid team composed of experienced Cutting Edge players looking to push the hardest content Shadowlands has to offer on a lighter, 2-day schedule. Our raiders have pushed US Top 300, 1200 IO in season 1 of Shadowlands, Gladiator/Duelist Pvp rating, and CE Xavius, Antorus, G’huun, Jaina, and N’zoth.

Retrospec’s goal is to create a team and environment where kindness, community, and fun interweave seamlessly with progression, efficiency, and individual player skill. Despite raiding less than most Mythic teams, our goal and expectations are clear: push ourselves and our team to be the best we can be, through dedication, preparation, and clean execution. We all have other commitments and schedules that keep us from raiding 9-12 hours a week – but we won’t let that stop us from clearing the hardest content WoW has to offer, and loving every minute of it as we do so. We strive to build a collaborative, honest, inclusive, and open raiding environment, where every member of the team has the opportunity and resources to grow and succeed. At the highest level of WoW, leaders and teams tend to be toxic, dismissive, and rude to their players. At Retrograde we want to enjoy raiding together and accomplishing our goals.

Current Progress

10/10 H, 5/10 M

Raid Times

Wednesday/Thursday 10:00-1:00 CST, 8:00-11:00 PST with an optional day on Sunday.

Recruitment Needs

We are currently recruiting exceptional, CE or mythic experienced dps with an emphasis on DK, Hunter, Boomkin, but all strong dps are encouraged to apply!

What you bring to the table:

Mythic raiding experience

Willingness to be a part of a community that you can look forward to seeing every week

Kindness, inclusion, and a humble raid attitude

A desire to achieve great things on a lighter schedule

What we bring to the table:

A toxic-free environment where you can have fun and raid mythic

Leadership that puts the community before any one individual

A safe space for LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC

A desire to achieve great things on a lighter schedule

Apply Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSb5_SKQTfg2qFc4aOC87Tw7-cRowCW__CL_Krw0_snA_bLQ/viewform

Bumping cause it is a good group! Stable prog!

Hi frens, I submitted an app. Eager to hear back!

Here’s my recruitment post:

Sent you a discord request Sneakigos! Thanks for your application! Continuing our search through the weekend!

Looking for more players to join our amazing group!

Continuing our search throughout the week! Looking for a few great dps to finish the tier with our great group!

Bumping for some great players

Applications are still open for great member