Hi, this is what I’m looking for:
- Horde side only
- Raid times between 8pm to 1am EST
- Week day raids
- Mythic raids
Previously raided top 200 US in Legion and BFA. Have experience with all bosses on normal and most on heroic via pugs.
Hi, this is what I’m looking for:
Previously raided top 200 US in Legion and BFA. Have experience with all bosses on normal and most on heroic via pugs.
Hey Skizzy!
I am from <Synergy> (H) US-Stormreaver. We are a progression-based raiding guild recruiting for Mythic Eternal Palace. If you are looking for a relaxed group of teammates, but still hungry for a challenge, our guild might be the right fit for you. We are looking for a Hunter! We are 7/8H EP (4/9M BoD) and raid Wed/Thurs 8-11pm CST. We also actively run M+! Let me know if this sounds interesting to you. ~https://raider.io/guilds/us/stormreaver/Synergy~
BNet: RaveMan#1287 Discord: Rave#5986
Hey Skizzy,
We are looking for a skilled hunter to add to our roster. We raid Wednesday/Thursday from 9-1230 EST with possible 30 min extension if we are close on a prog boss. We are Horde on Bleeding Hollow.
Let me know if this works for you and we can chat a bit more.
It’s hot today.
Hi Skizzy! Our guild’s name is called It Cant Be and we are on Zul’jin. We are looking for dedicated members to join our guild and our journey to achieve CE for Eternal Palace.
We are a bunch of IRL friends who have been playing since vanilla and finally decided to make our own raid! Our leaders are 8/9M BoD Exp and are looking for members to create a fun and outgoing raid environment while downing bosses as well. We are often on for mythic+ and some PVP daily.
For a guild that just started this patch we are currently 8/8N and 6/8H while carrying some pugs until we recruit to complete our roster!
Our raiding schedule is:
Tuesday 8-12pm EST
Thursday 8-12pm EST
Here is our link in case you want to view any extra details! Hope to hear from you!
Btag - Casti15#1473
It’s still hot today.