H <Undead Legion> is recruiting for Shadowlands for multiple end-game content needs

We are a casual, mature, low-drama raiding guild looking for like-minded individuals to join our raid team! We are looking primarily for raiders for heroic Castle Nathria raiding, with the possibility of mythic raiding. We are looking to quickly get through normal and then push heroic AOTC.

Raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday 8 PM till 11 PM EST. (Subject to change)

Our core raid group is currently full on tanks and very limited spots for healers. We do need most DPS classes (currently full on shadow priests and warlocks). We will definitely need people with tank and healing offspecs to fill gaps. Our only raid mod requirement is to have DBM or BigWigs.

We are also building a core M+ team along with M+ events open to all on Monday nights. We require all raiders to complete 1 M+ per week appropriate to the raid gear level at that time.

Discord is required during raids and M+ events.

Last, for the Shadowlands Xpac our guild will be hosting a Re-Roll Event where guild members and new recruits will be encouraged to start a beginning level character to encourage camaraderie among the guild! (Estimated to start with the launch of Patch 9.0).

Please contact:

xypher#1750 - daytime

BretMaverick#1144, Arc#12410 - evenings

Or look us up on in game guild finder!


Bump :+1:

one of us, one of us

Fun fact, cows moo with regional accents.


Fun fact, all worker bees are female.

More fun facts! Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun.

Fun fact! The oldest “your mom” joke was discovered on a 3,500 year old Babylonian tablet.

Also a fun fact, Trix aren’t just for kids…

Fun fact! * Humans are capable of echolocation, just like a bat or a whale.

In 2017 more people were killed from injuries caused by taking a selfie than by shark attacks.

Fun fact! Hunting unicorns is legal in Michigan.

Fun fact, I dunno where these guys come up with these fun facts. A real fun fact is we still have lots of DPS spots available and you can join us and come up with some fun facts of your own.

Know why skeletons are so calm?

Because nothing gets under their skin.

Fun fact! The smallest bone in the body is in your ear

:+1: :beers:

Bring me…a shrubbery! please? :stuck_out_tongue:

Fact: Cap’n Crunch’s full name is Horatio Magellan Crunch

Full on full-time raiders but are still happy to take people looking to fill back up or part time roles. Also people not interested in raiding are welcome as well.