Currently looking for players who would like to join an established Guild to fill out our bench and possibly move up to full time raid positions. We understand people have busy lives and sometimes cannot commit two days every week, but also may not want to have to pug every raid, if so we have a spot for you!
Pre-Nerf 10/10 : Post-Nerf 10/10 All P2 and P1 Content on Farm.
Ideally we would like to bring in 2-5 more players for a bench raid position to have an active roster of 27-30
All exceptional players are invited and will be considered for raid!
We are also expanding and will have P1 content sign-ups open for all on off days, Battleground weekends, and open to any and all casual players/ leveling players looking for a good community and active Discord
You can reach us in-game or on discord . Add, whisper, or PM your preferred method!
Battletag: Vanillafart#1239
Character name: Vanillafart
Discord: Vanillafart#9848
Battletag: Pinth3b#1103
Character name: Pinthèb (sorry about the weird character)
Discord: Pintheb#0975