[H] Turalyon 8/8H is Looking for a few more good raiders to push into mythics for 8.1 and beyond.
About Us: We are a guild that’s biggest priority is having fun while killing monsters. We believe that raid progression is important and want to push, but not at the cost of toxicity. We have a good raid group that works well together, but are just short of the numbers we need to push into mythics. We want our raiders to have the right attitude to push content, but the ability to have fun at the same time.
Progression raids: Tues/Thurs 8pm-11pm EST
Requirements for Progression Raids: Dependability, high attendance, good attitude, knowledge of your class, and the ability to have fun in an adult environment.
Nexus also hosts an alt/fun/community/drunk raid on every Sat, and numerous other guild events including keys, farming and achievements.
Currently looking for:
Tank: OS only
Healer: OS considered
Melee: Rogue/Warrior/WW Monk (High Priority) other melee welcome
Ranged: Mage/Boomkin (Medium Priority) other classes considered
We always are happy to talk to anyone who fits our requirements for raiding, and casual players are accepted and welcome.
Contact on Discord:
Bug (ง︡’-'︠)ง#6792 (or battle tag taransula#1161)