About Us:
The core of the raiders has been together since launch of Classic and look to continue to build on our foundation by adding players of strong caliber and character. We do not aim to be world first raiders or expect unreasonable things from our players, but everyone is expected to carry their own weight and contribute towards the guild’s success.
- Knowledge of your class, spec and/or willingness to improve.
- Ability to adapt and learn new strategies. -Using consumables expected for your class/role to maximize throughput.
- 70% attendance on a 10-week rolling basis.
Raid Days/Times:
Tue/Thu 8-11pm EST with Monday 8-11pm EST being added during progression. Recruitment:
Resto Shaman with the ability to play dps offspec but not required.
We maintain a 27-28 person raid team with a weekly rotating bench. It works out to each person sitting once every 8-10 weeks or so.
Loot System/Trial Period:
We use a Loot List system where players rank their top 15 items in the tier and assign their priority to them. We enforce a two-week trial period in which new recruits will not have priority on loot, but are able to roll on any item not on a raider’s list. After the trial period is over recruits will have full access to loot and will create their respective loot list. Contacts:
Contact any of the following for more info Mounted#5889 Leon#4444