Tough Old Goats is a tight-knit guild looking to add a few more exceptional players to our core raid roster. Our group is composed of a handful of old farts that love raiding (normal/heroic) and mythic pluses but have limited time to do so. We are a laid back group that goes semi-serious in raid content because of our short raiding window. We try and run a friendly raid atmosphere, jibber-jabber, yapping, and yammering is all encouraged, but calling out individual players in our raid will not be tolerated. We are scheduled to raid Tuesdays from 7:00 to 11:00pm EST and are looking to pick up two more players. We are recruiting for 2 RDPS. LF an Elemental Shaman with healing off-spec and a Mage.
If you are interested in joining Tough Old Goats, send me a message on discord and we can discuss and make sure we are a right-fit.
Stoutpaw, Discord (Brennan#1468)