We are a Semi-Hardcore guild with leadership stemming from private servers and have experience with Wrath Hard Modes. We expect you to know your class, BIS items, and bring raid consumes.
Raid Times:
Weekday [Group 1 9PM - 12AM Server (Est.) Wed/Thurs]
Weekend [Group 2 8PM - 12PM (Est.) Sat/Sun (8-11)]
Loot System: [Loot Lists]
What we need:
Group 1: Afflic Locks
Group 2: HPally, Ret Pally, Locks.
Other classes and specs may be considered
Message: Micynia, Burningligma in-game for more details or Vuhdo#9916 on discord.
avoid this guild, had more than one cancerous encounter with their members.
Says the guy on a lvl 63 mage? Have you ever attempted to reach out to our officers to resolve the matter?
your response says it all, your tone represents the toxic retailers your guild is clearly full of.
I just find it funny you go on a guild recruitment post and claim the guild is toxic without using your actual toons name nor providing any context for others that might come through. That being said others can review the comments you have made on this and other forum threads and make a conclusion on your personal character. Thanks for the bumps.
I would like to also point out that Lego mace from ulduar is boomkin bis and it should goto the cutest boomkin first. If you don’t then you are toxic.
the fact you go out of your way to post this with zero context, on a throwaway alt tells everyone about your character.
Dont join this guild, GM is a grey boy
Bump! Just joined this guild, and it’s a really great group of players. They’re very fun to raid with, and I’m looking very forward to smashing Ulduar with them.
i dont act like a d-bag in game, cant say the same for some of your members. I dont need to identify myself to make others aware of it. If your guildies werent behaving this way they wouldnt make people feel the need to inform others to think twice before getting involved with such people. And I could care less what you think of my “character”, I know for myself that Im a decent person in game, and people who arent, deserve to be called out for it.
The real cancer is the friends we’ve made along the way, like you. <3
lol keep making those comments that represent the type of retail refuse yall are! Too stupid to realize not all advertising is good! BUMP!
I think it has become comical at this point. Also, the people that would be deterred by your remarks are absolutely the last people we would want in our guild. Bump.