[H] <Top Class> Recruiting for BWL

Raid times:

Raid Times: Tue/Thus 8-11pm EST
Loot rules: Mixture of DKP & EP/GP - This is a way to reward raiders that input more effort, be it during the raid but also outside of raid. Everything is posted publicly weekly to ensure transparency throughout.
About us:
Competitive raid slots | <3hour raid night clear for BWL| Transparent loot system, no favoritism, merit based

We want to create a fun environment where people can forge friendships and look forward to raid nights. We want to clear content regularly and efficiently but this is still a game so we want to make this process enjoyable. Come for the loot but stay for the banter and friends you will make here!
Warriors (fury or fury/prot)
Meme specs are welcome based on merit / high effort input
Any raider that is pleasant to raid with.

Contact: discord.gg/MtnyrVf
PM in game: Difficult

Bumping for exposure. Recruiting for both teams. Lots of fun, fast clears and great players!

Bump, welcoming environment, fun group of people.

Bump it up, 8/8 BWL