[H] <TM> 14yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 2/8M, 8/8H NP | LF DPS/Hybrids!

Could use a DH! DPS preferred. Tank OS a plus but not required :slight_smile:

Elemental shamans and boomykins apply today!

Open to warlock as well

Looking to add a DH to our core

Recruiting M+ players of all roles

Recruiting for Sanctum!

Looking for mature, laid-back folks to raid and dungeon-crawl!

WTB shaman buddy

Shaman buddies please apply :slight_smile:

LF ranged DPS and hybrids for Sanctum

Recruiting for Sanctum and m+! LF mage, DH, shaman DPS/healer, or DK especially but all considered

Recruiting dps and heals for Sanctum!

In need of a mage PST

Still recruiting ranged dps/hybrids for Sanctum Of Domination!

LFM for Sanctum and m+

Could use shaman on our core! DPS or DPS+healer hybrid

Still looking for cool folks!

Currently recruiting monk! WW as main spec would be best.

Recruiting for Sanctum! Cleared normal, working on heroic!

LF monk and mage