[H] <TM> 14yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 2/8M, 8/8H NP | LF DPS/Hybrids!

Looking for a mature, laid-back group to run mythic+ and raids with? Look no more! Apply today

LF ele/resto shaman, mage, DK, DH, or boomkin

Recruiting mage for Sanctum and m+ in the evenings

Shamans of all kinds, join now!

Looking to add DH to our roster

In need of a mage PST

Looking for raid and mythic+ buddies :slight_smile:

LF skilled ranged DPS buddies for raiding/m+! Mage, boomkin, or elemental sham preferred

Updated our recruitment needs on the first page. Still looking for another mage!

LF raid-ready mage

Elemental shamans, need a place to call home? Join now!

Mages totally welcome :slight_smile:

Any demon hunters looking for a group? Come check us out

Ranged folks of all kinds, apply today :wink:

Casual members and m±only players welcomed here too

Good morning! We’d love to hear from a skilled and friendly mage today

Could use a flexible dps/healer shaman hybrid

Recruiting DPS and Heals for Sanctum! Core spots available for skilled players!

Looking for mage, DH, DK, and shaman!

Recruiting mage