[H] <TM> 14yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 1/8M, 8/8H NP | LF DPS/Hybrids!

LF shadow priest with heals off-spec

Recruiting mage and more!

LF mage / shadow priest / warlock

Recruiting skilled mage that enjoys raiding / m+

LF shadow priest - healer OS a plus

Recruiting for raiding/M+!

LF shadow priest / mage / warlock

We could also use an evoker! Dev or aug would work best. Off-spec heals a plus but not required.

Still recruiting!

LF DK (DPS), mage, or shadow priest

LF mage / shadow priest

Recruiting Mage/Lock/Shadow priest and more!

LF mage / DK / shadow priest (off-spec heals a plus) / warlock

Recruiting for 10.1.5!

Come join the new mega-dungeon fun!

All roles welcomed for m+ !

Most interested in mage / priest* / DK / warlock / evoker*

*DPS main spec would work best but we could also work with a competent hybrid able to both DPS and heal

Recruiting Mage/Lock/DK/DH and more!

LF dps or dps+healer hybrids

Recruiting shadow priest! Heals OS preferred