[H] <TM> 14yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 1/8M, 8/8H NP | LF DPS/Hybrids!

Most interested in ranged DPS! Mage or warlock preferred, but all skilled players would be considered

Recruiting lock, mage and more for Heroic Sepulcher!

Recruiting RDPS for Sepulcher!

Recruiting lock and mage for core raid spots!

Recruiting for Sepulcher! LF Mage/Lock and more!

Recruiting Mage and Lock for core raid spots!

Hey there, just a general inquiry… I have just come back from a large break (about a year, I think.) I don’t have any characters currently up to snuff but I do have a stupid amount of free time and was curious if you guys are only accepting ‘ready-to-raid’ people or anyone that will fill the slot.

As a healer (Rsham/HPal) I was 8/10 mythic CN, 2340 3v3 rating, and 2x KSM so I can at least put my money where my mouth is.

Just looking for a place to go since upon my return I found my former guild vacant.

Here is the link to my ex-main: Icryeveryday

BTag if interested: SleepyBear#1134

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Forgot to mention - I am happy to dps/heal/tank as long as I enjoy the people I am playing with. No matter what role I am I’ll always be competitive (admittedly a bit of a meter-monkey)…

Hey Icry - yes, we are open to people joining on a more casual basis while they work on catching up to be raid ready. I see you’d have some catching up to do, but you’d certainly be welcome to apply and we can sort out the details on the app as to what character/role might be best. I’ll add your btag when I’m online later if you had any other questions, but in the meantime here is a link to our application page if you want to get things started: https://themetalocalypse.enjin.com/login/do/register
Make sure to create an acct / sign in first.

Recruiting Mage, Lock and more

Recruiting mage, lock and other RDPS!

Looking for warlock / shaman / mage!

Recruiting Mage/Lock and more!

LF Mage and lock for core spots!

Still recruiting!

Recruiting Mage, Lock and more!

Most interested in ranged DPS: shaman, mage, warlock

Recruiting mage, lock and more!

Recruiting lock and mage for core spots. All considered!

Recruiting mage, lock and more!