[H] [Tirisfal Deathsworn] Forsaken RP Guild is recruiting!

We are Forsaken. The time to exact our retribution against the Kingdoms of the Alliance has come. The Tirisfal Deathsworn are seeking all able-bodied Forsaken and appropriate sympathizers to gather arms and deliver justice onto the enemies of the Dark Lady! For the Forsaken!

Membership Contact: Blighthallow, Rotspite [Wyrmrest Accord]

Who We Are…

We are a group of Forsaken RP’ers who feel that the once grand culture of the Forsaken RP has reached a low point of stagnation and we aim to revitalize that. We yearn for the glory days of the Forsaken, not this pitiful and sniveling apologetic and defeated caricature of what the Forsaken have become. We are first and foremost a paramilitary organization. All members are veterans of the Forsaken military campaigns of the past, and that fraternity (or sorority) is an overlying theme of our alliance. We renounce all Forsaken “leaders” who would impose such a defeatist charge on us as a people, and recognize that our true leader, The Banshee Queen, was the only rightful Forsaken leader to claim leadership. In her absence, we have elected to act as a military and social order to govern aspects of Forsaken military operations through our organization, and finally exact our vengeance on the Alliance for their hand in forcing the destruction of the Undercity! Bring on the blight, remember, patience… discipline, beware the living, and Dark Lady watch over you!

Headquarters: The Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest


Deathlord: The Guild Master, but think of it as part of a larger council with the Executor branch. Yes, the Deathlord will make some of the more arbitrary decisions on important matters when consensus can’t be reached, however, the organization is run very much like a council more than a dictatorship! As we pay reverence to a now vacant throne, our last official leader was Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, and we patiently await her return or someone worthy to take her place on the throne.

Grand Executor: Along with the Deathlord, the Grand Executor will be making many of the administrative decisions for the organization when the Deathlord cannot be reached. The Grand Executor is very much akin to a Prime Minister role compared to, say, a President, and will act as the voice of the other Executors in the governing forum.

High Executor: The High Executors are the leaders of the official Deathsworn organizations listed below - such as the Deathstalkers or Dreadguard - and will be responsible for overseeing operations of that particular group. They will report directly to the Deathlord and Grand Executor to receive orders and disseminate them to the Executors and Deathsworn of their combat group. High Executors will be personally selected at a conclave between the Grand Executor and the Deathlord.

Executor: The Executors are the non-commissioned officers of the Deathsworn military. They will be in charge of working with commissioned officers and leadership to finetune the administration of the organization and act as a liaison between leadership and the rank and file members. Only Deathsworn who show exceptional prowess and devotion to the Tirisfal Deathsworn will be granted the rank of Executor.

Deathsworn: These are officiated members of the Tirisfal Deathsworn. All who wish to attain the rank and title of Deathsworn must undergo an in-character interview and discuss their character’s history, and what they will offer to the Tirisfal Deathsworn. Only full members will be eligible to participate in official guild events.

Risen: New members who express interest in joining the ranks of the Tirisfal Deathsworn. Members will be able to progress to the rank of Deathsworn after completing an IC character interview. Prospective members must display some expertise with roleplaying and have a backstory established for their character, as well as an idea of where they might see themselves best fitting into one of the guild’s organizations.

Organizations (Combat Groups) [Class relevance encouraged, but not mandatory]

Deathguard: The rank and file military force of the Tirisfal Deathsworn. The Deathguard will be the bulk of the Tirisfal Deathsworn’s military forces. Risen, who are not yet ready to ascend to the position of Deathsworn, will be required to serve in the Deathguard regiment and establish a reputation for themselves before moving on to other organizations [OOC; members who need time to establish an RP for their character will be given the chance to build one with the Deathguard]. Melee classes encouraged, but not required.

Barracks: Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills

Deathstalkers: Much like the Forsaken military counterpart organization from which it gets its namesake, Deathstalkers will be involved in clandestine affairs of the Tirisfal Deathsworn. Joining the Deathstalkers will involve a rigorous vetting process as well as an oath to silence pertaining to all activities and operations the Deathstalkers are engaged in. Ranged and stealth classes encouraged, but not required.

Barracks: [REDACTED]

Dreadguard: The Dreadguard are the elite soldiers of the Tirisfal Deathsworn. The Dreadguard will work with the Deathstalkers to conduct long-range reconnaissance operations deep into the heart of enemy territory. As this combat group requires battle-ready warriors, only maximum-level applicants with appropriately leveled gear will be considered. Any class that meets the aforementioned requirements will be considered.

Barracks: Andorhal, Western Plaguelands

Cult of Forgotten Shadows: The Cult of Forgotten Shadows will serve as the Tirisfal Deathsworn’s religious and clerical sect. Healers, medics, shadow priests, warlocks, and practitioners of the arcane are encouraged to apply! We hope to be able to offer somewhat regular religious services such as mass or communion through ordained Deathsworn. Spellcasters encouraged, but not required.

Barracks: Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades

The Royal Apothecary Society: The Royal Apothecary Society will be our Special Warfare branch of the Tirisfal Deathsworn. Herbalists, alchemists, apothecaries, and the like will be responsible for advancing… “exceptional”… methods of warfare against the enemies of the Tirisfal Deathsworn. Professional herbalists and alchemists encouraged, but not required.

Barracks: The Sludge Fields, Hillsbrad Foothills

Special note to non-Undead/Forsaken races:
This guild is primarily geared towards Forsaken characters (or Undead, including Death Knights). As such, non-Undead members will be expected to provide some extra reasoning for their interest in joining our guild, namely in providing a more thorough explanation as to why they are interested in joining and how their RP story fits into a Forsaken-centered guild.

Added note to other RP guilds (Horde and Alliance alike)

As a guild, we are highly interested in joint RP events in the long run. In the interim, our primary goal is recruitment, but feel free to reach out to either me (Blighthallow) or Rotspite to inquire about putting such arrangements into fruition. Alliance guilds should inquire if they are interested in arranging joint W-PvP events - we are always on the lookout for nemeses (especially pesky Worgen)!


This seems like an incredible concept!! I wish you guys the best of luck.


Thank you! We are also looking for other Horde and Alliance guilds to start up RP events and WPVP in the long run, but for now, recruitment is the paramount priority.

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I would have words with you, Blighthallow.

It has come to my ear that you are seeking to return our people to the old ways under our fallen Queen and I have come to entreat you to do otherwise.

I do so as one who was fiercely loyal to Lady Sylvanas from before my undeath and beyond her open betrayal of the Horde. I worked tirelessly to infiltrate and subvert Lord Saurfang’s rebellion and delighted in arresting and executing those disloyal to our Queen. I speak as a trained Deathstalker and exalted protégé of Master Apothecary Faranell. I have carried out countless assassinations, committed brutal acts of sabotage and torture, was an integral part in the development and deployment of the blight, led forces through Ashenvale and Darkshore during the War of Thorns and I reveled in the ecstasy of Teldrassil’s screams.

But through it all—Teldrassil most of all—I have come to see that all along we have been slaves to Sylvanas’s fear—fear of death, but most of all, fear of life. We have covered over that fear with hatred, thinking that it makes us strong, but it makes us nothing.

Sylvanas’s fear drove her to abandon the Horde AND the Forsaken on a narcissistic quest, leaving us fractured and broken. Regrouping under the banner of the same fear will only result in inevitable failure once again.

There is another way. A harder way. One which will require far greater strength and discipline than the path that you are suggesting.

It is the way of repentance, acts of atonement and reconciliation with not only the Alliance but the rest of the Horde as well. It is the way of love—love not only for Light, Life and Law but for all those who dwell in Darkness, Death and Disorder. Love of peace but also for those embattled in war.

You would return the Forsaken to slavery to fear and to the hatred that obscures as it feeds it. The path of love will be excruciating for us. It will threaten to tear us apart from within our own decaying bodies, for it is contrary to our very nature. But by it alone will we be truly sustained. By it alone will we be fulfilled. By it alone will we be vivified. By it alone will we be made free.

The burning Wickerman has long been a symbol of our freedom. In order for that symbol to truly mean something, to be something other than a hollow vanity, we must come to burn in our hearts with the Love of Teldrassil, for by it alone will we be made living though we are dead.

Faith in the Eternal Burning of the Torched Tree will require from us far more strength and discipline than burning out in hatred and fear, but it will finally, at long last, see us fully and truly free—free to love and free to live.

Follow the Loving Path of the Torched Tree.


Capteya listens to the tree hugging Forsaken and snorted in disapproval during the rant. When it was clearly ended she took her turn.

“There will always be many Forsaken who will keep her memory in their unbeating hearts. But, all of them keep it quiet. Not only do you express it openly, you sound like a Forsaken of reason, a soul of equal measure. I am interested in your endeavors. I am also going to wait before committing myself again. The sting of her betrayal and all that.”

Am I right to assume by your guild info here that y’all won’t be dealing much in actual Shadowlands. More a focus on Forsaken zones and RPing staying here during the expansion?


This is a highly ambitious idea for a guild, I wish you guys the best of luck!


Thank you, that was a lovely response. And yes, that is correct. For the time being, the name of the game is recruitment and establishing guild lore through RP events. This will mostly be conducted within the Forsaken areas, but not limited to them. As a new guild, we have a great foundation, but much work to do in establishing our story and what we hope to achieve in detail!

And thank you to the other posters who have expressed support, it means a lot to us!


That’s cool. Capteya is a Forsaken devoted undead who served in the Forsaken military only between the four continents of Azeroth. Even personally she has never visited the islands of Azeroth or traveled off world.

Not a Sylvanas zealot, but chooses to remember the best parts of Sylvanas. This is a guild/RP arc I’d like to see succeed. Capteya is cautious about whether the intentions of the Tirisfal Deathsworn is true, so she will hold off on approaching just yet.

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The Undead will rise again from our dirt mounds. Awaken Flesh bags and plague the Alliance army once again. I used to RP, but seems my busy life only let’s me enjoy PvP. Glad to see Undead guilds making a comeback. I will race change my monk to undead I think.

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Capteya asks around the usual Forsaken towns and haunts about the Deathsworn.

I guess you guys would need an excess supply of spare arms since they’re likely the body part that gets worn down more often than the rest.

I’ve been really enjoying the storyline and RP environment here. I look forward to seeing more faces join our ranks and other RP groups interacting with us down the road.

Bump for a great Forsaken environment!

https: // imgur. com/a/N1Oph40


This sounds awesome and I’ve been craving a solid Forsaken RP atmosphere! Are you folks still recruiting?

Yes we are!

A boost for the Tirisfal Deathsworn.

Though I am not personally a member, I eagerly support this group of roleplayers. You will not be disappointed.

I wish you guys luck in your Guild and your RP!

Honesty, this sounds like enough fun to roll an alt for…

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I read your response and I’m equally curious about the Cult of the Torched Tree, and I love, love IC opposition. Support to you, too! Unfortunately, my ability to devote to multiple toons at the moment is a bit squished.

Perhaps we could arrange some fashion of a between-guilds meeting for story? Get some friendly OOC and unfriendly IC squabbles going? The more the merrier in my eyes, it’s more about the activity and movement than who’s where with who.

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That would be great!

The “cult” is just Gulgalogos atm but am open to converts :slight_smile: (I actually just recently transferred to WRA to participate in [N-RP] Cleansing the Blight | Tue 11/30 5:30 PM | Legion Dalaran: The Portrait Room).

It would certainly make sense for Gulgalogos to attend any kind of UD rally, open recruitment or public meeting to offer an opposing viewpoint.

Let me know what you had in mind! I look forward to the possibilities :slight_smile:

Good to see a new Forsaken guild! All the best guys :smiley: