[H] <Time Machine> | 11/11 Kara, 2/2 Gruuls

About Us

Time Machine is a Classic guild composed of some members from our Shadowlands raid team and some new members we have picked up along the way. Most of our members are adults with other life commitments. With this in mind we have built a guild where we can enjoy the game and avoid any drama. The majority of our members have been playing the game for a very long time. However not everyone got the chance to see all of the endgame the first time around, so we are excited to progress through all the content TBCC has to offer.

Our aim is to provide a relaxed raiding environment while still completing content. We will joke around and have a good time during trash, but take the boss fights seriously. We are not a meta-slave hardcore guild, and though we may be a few weeks behind the hardcore guilds on progression, we will complete it.

We are currently running two Karazhan groups and are looking to fill in the last few spots to start a 3rd group, and complete our 25-man roster.

Current Progress - Updated July 5th

Kara Group 1: 11/11
Kara Group 2: 11/11
Gruul’s Lair: 2/2

Raid Schedule

Sunday 7-10pm server time, with possibility of extending to 11pm if needed.
Monday 8-11pm server time

Recruitment - Updated July 30

Currently looking for the following classes:

Recruitment closed.

Loot Distribution

We want our members to have some control over the loot they receive, while maintaining a fair loot system, rewarding consistency, and prioritizing the success of the team as a whole.

Towards that end, Time Machine uses a modified Soft Reserve(SR)>MS+1>OS loot system. All raiders start with 1 SR with a maximum of 3 SR possible with seniority. Usually after attending 2 weeks of raids a raider will move up to 2 SR, and after 5 weeks to 3 SR. Raiders with multiple reserves can use them on the same item to get extra rolls.


If you would like more information, or are interested in joining, please contact us on battle.net or join our Discord.

Kenoshi - Kenoshi#11610
Kirbstyle - Kirbstyle#1111


Bump. Looking for a few more to fill out our 25-man roster.

If you still need a Hunter or ele shaman let me know! I have raid XP in TBC/Wrath/MOP & Legion. Happy recruiting!

Heyo, always looking for more! Mages, Boomies, Spriests!

Bump. Need a couple healers to round out the team.

I would be interested, if you ever have need of a lock!

I have experience from launch through retail, and would love to clear the entirety of BC! n.n

Bump. Could use a couple healers.

To the top.

lvl 69 mage looking for raiding guild. if interested bump me on bnet- Rosgaros#1423

Bump. Just need a couple more healers.

Bump. Looking for a couple healers and DPS to complete our 25-man team.

room for 70 lvl kara attuned mage?

Yes, contact me on bnet or Discord.

Will be a good time with some good folks!

i sent bnet request to both of u. name is Rosgaros#1423. i m lvl 70 mage and done gruuls lair.

Just looking for a Holy Paladin to complete the team!

To the top

Need a big fat DPS warrior. Know there’s some fury warriors still out there from classic.

Looking for a couple more healers!

Bump. Starting on Gruul this week, need a couple healers!