9:00 EST - 11:30 EST
Exceptional DPS + Healers
About us:
Our goal is to form a roster of top parsing players and compete with well known guilds on Kil'jaeden. We are a newly formed semi-hardcore guild led by 6 players with decades of raiding experience and TOP 100 US kills.
Raider Benefits:
Supplied feasts/flasks/potions
Supplied enchants/gems
Guild repairs during raids
Contact Us:
Webpage (apply here)
WTB Ranged and Healers, PST.
Zips likes healing and DPS.
Zips is looking for friends.
Come be Zips' friend.
Still looking for Ranged DPS.
Where all the casters at??
Still lookin for ranged DPS.
Always will be. RIP casters
Where art thou
If you guys get this let me know
Still lookin' for dps and heals that wanna get Tilted
Hey there!
What healer spots are you looking for ? I am interested.
Feel free to add me on Sunscarr#1193 if you would like to chat
I’m looking for a serious guild to progress through raids this expansion but only levels my DH so far. I will be leveling a mage after I get through the mythic dungeons and some world quests
Ranged DPS with a lot of time that I intend to invest into perfecting my play and I'd be very interesting in running with you guys. Add Kami#12530 if interested.