[H] Tichondrius <Peel Team Six> 1/10 M LF dps

Casual horde raiding guild on Tichondrius, we help each other out with keys, pvp with arena and rbgs and helping others gearing alts.

Looking for Both melee and ranged dps and a tank 205 ilvl+ for our mythic team all classes may apply currently 10/10H and 1/10M.

We have been a guild of friends since legion mainly picking up raiding at the end of BFA achieving 10/12 M Ny’Alotha and we are looking to progress into Shadowlands.

Tuesday Thursday 6-8 PST
Saturdays 6:30-9 PST

Sunday Open raid normal/heroic for alts

Currently we only offer Raids on guild calender, in the future we will re-add consistent rbgs and game nights(among us, Skribbl, Cards against humanity)

Contact for info

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Bumpity bump.

So Manges is our Raid Leader and is being pretty concise about the guild. Peel Team Six is a great place! I joined April 2020 and progged mythic Nya with em and it was a great experience for casual mythic raiding. Especially for people who want to mythic raid and have limited previous experience but are capable of learning fights and playing their spec/class. There are plenty of active members who have been around for 2+ years and more casual intermittent members who have been around far longer!

As for the guild itself, we have some members solely focused on pvp, some solely on pve, and some who do both. For pvp, members span arena ratings of 1400-2200, and RBG ratings of 1200-1800 atm (havent checked in over a week). For PvE we have members with Raider io of 0-1400 (as of two days ago), and anyone who is interested in raiding, but not on the mythic team, has cleared most of heroic on our off nights. The ‘off-nights’ are usually Sundays (and sometimes a spill over into Monday if people want) that is utilized to gear alts, or help the non-main team folks get their norm/heroic bosses in.

I did leave the guild briefly after the end of our NYA progression, but ended up coming back because there just isn’t a place quite like it. It’s casual, encompasses all aspects of gameplay, and the company is great and fun.

Lastly, like he said above, people are ALWAYS down to play among us, skribbl.io, or cards against humanity!

If you have any questions about our mythic raid team definitely hit Manges up! If you have any questions about the guild itself or other non-mythic raid Peel Team Six curiosities feel free to message me on Discord: Peith#6508 as my btag is a bit full of m+ friends xD

bumping, looking for both ranged and melee dps still

still bumpin.

Bumping for dps

mid day bump, need some DPS still:)

taking a break from lectures to say we still need just a few more dps:)

bumping while i order food for dinner

bumping, need melee and ranged dps still

I added you Teddy#12201 im a 221 brewmaster interested in your guilD!


Hey teddy thanks for reaching out, we are maining looking for dps to progress in mythic, do you have a dps offspec?

2am bump:)

bump for deepz

Bumping it up cause we still need some DPS, all our DPS are getting bored and need new guys to show off to. :roll_eyes: #meterchasers

tuesday reset bump for dps

bumping. 3/10 and realistically killing sunking this week. rlly only need some dps and maybe some heals if they want to trial:)