[H] [Tichondrius] <Ethos> CE Mythic tues/thurs 5-8 pst 9/9M AtSC

Always recruiting more players to fill out our raid!

do you guys have an ilvl requirement for heroic? do you guys have a normal run for alts or something?

Continuing to recruit!

I’m interested in joining you guys. I’m a long time player and I’m looking a for a new guild where I enjoy the people I’d be playing with. I’m playing Balance. Reach out on Discord, Mr.#2113

Still recruiting active members!

I’d be interested in joining you guys if you have any space.

Bump for Dragonflight!

Continuing to look for more for Vault of Incarnates!

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Looking for a WW monk for our mythic team

Would you consider a mythic experienced raider Devoker for your heroic team comp/bench if needed for mythic?
I come prepared, on time and focused for the objective of killing bosses but the mindset of having fun.

BTag: Neer#1569
Discord: Nengekki#5052

Continuing to look for 1 more DH for our raid team!

Looking for a healer!

Looking for a few more to help push to the end!

Looking to add a Havoc DH and either Prest Evoker or Resto sham

Hi, I’m a 438 holy paladin looking for a raid team (7/9 H and 2447 M+). I know it’s not what you are looking for but I may be able to help elsewhere.


Continuing to look for more!

Need 1 more dps to fill out our roster

Still looking for that final push!

Recruiting for a CE push!

Recruiting for that last push towards CE!