(H-Tichondrius) 195 resto shaman LFG

EXP resto shaman LF guild to run keys and progress heroic CN currently 8/10N old guild died out fast so im in need of good consistant group, currently live in central time zone so im 2 hours ahead of server time so would prefer a guild that raids at around 6:30 server time

Boot Bay Beach Club is looking to fill our Heroic/Mythic raid Roster we are currently 4/10 first week of being formed. Have spots for a few more dps and 1 Healer. Add me on BNet if you are interested we raid Tuesday/wed 5-8 pst bigpoppapump#11900

Barghest Omen is a good fit for you.

We are located on Area52, and our raids times are Wednesdays and Sundays, 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST/Server Time. We’ve been established for approximately 12 years, across multiple MMOs, and our roster includes a list of friends whom get along well together and with new members. We’ve reestablished ourselves in WoW a little over a week ago, and are already 4/10 Heroic Nathria. We would love to speak to you as one of our new healers.

Feel free to message me anytime on Battle Net, or we can hop into our guild Discord to speak further.

Battle Net ID: Meruchy#1943
Barghest Omen Officer - Miruchy

Hey Redfaction,

Reach out if you think we’re a good fit for you!


Hey there I’m actively recruiting on Emerald Dream Ally for friday night heroic raids we start 6pm cst and go till whenever if its something youre interested in hit me on bnet at RogueSabre#1875 or on discord at RogueSabre#6149 Hope to hear from you!