[H] [Tich] 218 Feral Druid - LF Mythic Raiding Guild (CE focused)

[Update 2/20] Feral Druid Main looking for CE focused Mythic Raiding guild. I have been trying to just play casually with friends and raiding with them a couple days a week, but come to the conclusion I want/need more out of my raiding experience and want to find a group with the same goals, focused on achieving CE. I understand a lot of roster pushing CE may be full this tier, and willing to learn and grow with a team that is looking at this in their sights for next raid tier even if we miss it this tier.

Looking for Weekdays anytime between 3:30pm PST - 8pm PST
Link to logs, all I have currently: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/34210475
Feel free to reach out to me on Discord: Takesen#8476 or bnet Takesen#1346.


Hey there! If your still looking for a home we would love to see what you can do!
Wed-Thurs 9pm-12am EST Raid times with optional Monday runs.
Sadly we aren’t on Tich but give us a look anyways?


Hey Takesen!

[Emergency Tactics] is building a brand new raid team dedicated to pushing Mythic with the overall goal of CE most tiers. We are looking for all players with the mindset and dedication it takes to achieve CE as a team. Check out our details below and contact me for further details!

Raid Times: 11pm-2am Est M/T/W
Discord: Brewdicke#9828
Needs: Heals and dps

Thanks for the responses so far, I’ve updated my post with a bit more detail of what I’m looking for and best way to reach out to me! Appreciate the time taken to respond thus far <3

bump, still looking for a good fit.

Still looking for something closer to times listed and ideally on tich

Looking for a Mythic Progression guild~ Ideally still on Tich as many friends are here, but not opposed to transferring. Updated OP.


bump still searching for the right fit! thanks