[H-Thrall] New Weekend Raid Guild Recruiting - Recruiting Casual and M+ players as well

Name of Guild “Not Politically Correct”
We are currently looking for the following classes and specs: Ele Shaman, Rogue, Resto Druid, Hunter, Holy and Shadow Priest.

We are AoTC Focused and I have AoTC for S3 and Awakened Hero Title earned 3 weeks after S4 launched. Raid Times are Sat and Sun 8-10pm Eastern Time(ST).

We like to joke around a lot but progress seriously, if any is interested message Trizengen-Thrall or Fortylock-Thrall for more info.

Come join us and let’s enjoy the this xpac!

We are also accepting casual and mythic plus players, if you are a late night player we have an officer and a couple players that are on till 3-4am wanting to do keys and such together monday- thurs.