[H] [Thrall] Guaranteed to Bleed - 2 Day AOTC Tu/W (930-12 EDT) Looking for Raiders

Raid Times/Days :
Tuesday / Wednesday 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm PDT (9:30 pm-12:00 am EDT)


(Mage, DH, Bal druid, warlock preferred)
Any solid and reliable dps considered

Recruitment Contacts:
Discord (best way to get in contact)


About us:
We are a semi-casual 2 day AOTC guild with a goal to dabble into Mythic every tier. We have been a raiding guild since BC.

What we want:
Good attitudes - We are a guild that has stuck together cause we like each other. We have a very good community and want to keep it that way. Also, we are looking for someone who doesn’t need their hands held during raid. Learning, wiping & mistakes happen but someone standing in the fire pull after pull, is not what we are looking for.

What we offer:
Stable raid group, food, and vantus. AOTC about 10 weeks into a tier, KSM (about half of the raid team does keys on a regular basis.)

Warcraft logs
Raider io

Still looking

Only a couple more days until the new tier JOIN UP!

Picked a 3 new raiders, still room for a few more. I would love at a DH or a shadow priest!

Demon Hunter, Monk, Priest most needed. Healers or DPS.

LF Demon Hunter and Enhance Shaman.

Still would like a Demon hunter and a resto druid.

Any enhance shamans!?

Got most of what we needed, still need an enhancement shaman

Hello. Saw you post and was wondering what you are still looking for? I have everything to 70 and can pretty much play anything dps or tank…can heal but havent since Wrath.

Can hit me up on Bnet at Beefy#11651