[H] [Thrall] Guaranteed to Bleed - 2-Day AOTC Raiding (Tu/W 9:30 PM-12:00 AM EDT) - LF Raiders

Raid Schedule:

:date: Tuesday & Wednesday
:alarm_clock: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM PDT (9:30 PM - 12:00 AM EDT)


:shield: DPS - 4 Spots Open
High Priority: Mage, DH, Balance Druid, Warlock
:fire: Any solid and reliable DPS will be considered!

Contact Us:

:pushpin: Discord (Best Contact Method):

  • @Mirring#1858

:pushpin: Battle.net:

  • Mirring#1131

About Us:

We are a casual 2-day AOTC guild that enjoys raiding, running keys, and hanging out. We’ve been raiding together since The Burning Crusade and focus on having fun while still getting things done.

What We Want:

:white_check_mark: Chill & Positive Players – We enjoy raiding with people who are fun, friendly, and reliable.
:white_check_mark: Players Who Can Adapt – Learning, wiping, and making mistakes happen. That’s part of the game! But if you’re someone who consistently stands in fire every pull… we might not be the right fit.

What We Offer:

:poultry_leg: Stable raid group with food & vantus runes
:trophy: AOTC each tier at a relaxed pace
:key: Plenty of M+ runs - Many of us push KSM regularly

If you’re looking for a low-stress, casual AOTC guild with a great group of people, we’d love to have you! Feel free to reach out via Discord or BNet. :rocket: