[H - Thrall] 244 Shadow Priest/245 Frost Mage Alt LF 3/10+ Mythic Guild

Looking for a mature raiding guild that is aiming to get cutting edge this season. I started on my mage for 9.1, but I enjoy the Shadow Priest better. Willing to play either, but would prefer to be able to raid on the priest. Can’t include links, but here are my character names:

Shadow Priest - [Yixchel - Thrall - Warcraft Logs]

Frost Mage - [Maleriah - Thrall - Warcraft Logs]

Preferred raid times between 8:30 PM to 12:30 AM EST, twice a week.

Also, I have a few friends that left the guild we were in that are also great gamers. 1 healer, 1 tank, and 1 dps. Would be great for them to come along, but we are all on the hunt for what’s best for our aim to get CE.

Reach me on Discord: Dramani#0348.

Hello Phanania,

Might not be what you’re looking for but we certainly have space for you and all your friends - [H - Illidan] <Gadgetzan Goons> 10/10H Sod with 4/10m Exp W/T 7-10pm PST LF RAIDERS.

3-4 year old Alliance guild recently swapped our core horde, LAST NIGHT!!

Looking to get into mythic within a week or two as we fill out roster. Raid/guild lead and officers are 4/10m and we will easily push into later bosses once we have numbers. 6/10m cn and 10/12m nya in the past.

Add me on Disc : Broll#2451 and we can talk if you like.