<H> Thelemonstand lf healers

hey guys/gals/attack helicopters…

we are looking for some consistent healers to help round out our raids. we are an oddball group of folks that get stuff done. we are currently heading into BWL

on “normal” nights we 1 shot MC not in record time but we have a blast doing it.
our guild has all aspects of the game. pve some pvp’rs, we are more for the community aspect of it vs realm firsts
if you want to join a great FAMILY cough cult cough and have the heal skill we might be a good fit for you!! we are looking for a raid ready healer, but if you are a fresh 60 that is a healer we can have a spot for you if you are dedicated.

we raid wed 8pm server / sun 7pm and finish 11pm server.
pst Makanis or myself *i is alt 0205
looking forward to hearing from you!