[H] <The Tater Heads> 9/11 H - 7:30PM to 10:00PM CST Tues/Thurs Looking to fill for progression

Guild Information

Hello!, Thank you for your interest in The Tater Heads! We are recruiting for our heroic team and the goal is to push into mythic!

This guild was founded in 2005, and has a long standing history of community and camaraderie, The most important thing here is everyone is treated as equals, we have people in the guild that enjoy all aspects of the game! A lot of the members have been here for a long while and we have a lot of newer faces as well, all enjoy their time here with us and we hope you will take the time to find your way into our home.

Everyone” Is welcome, as long as you understand the old ways of guild thinking you’ll love your stay here, understand that when you wear a guild tag you are representing the guild that you are in, if you are in LFG, or in Trade, Don’t wear our tag and call people derogatory names, if you get attacked personally by someone in the guild, contact an officer about it and we will sort it out.


Raiding Information

We have a raid group that raids on Tues/Thurs at 7:30 PM CST - 10:00 PM CST

We expect if you wish to be part of the raid group that you show up enchanted and on time, and have done your best to fill your weekly vault to the best of your ability, we have m+'ers that can help you almost any given time and get it done throughout the week. Doing nothing, no vaults not coming enchanted isn’t a good mentality to have, be your best, no matter how you perform!

we have an attendance channel if you cannot make it to raid!

As for our raiding expectations and goals, our goal is to provide what our guild as a whole needs and wants to the best of our abilities, whether that’s mythic raiding, achievements, or anything in-between. We have CE raiders here, Casuals, and everything in-between, this is not a cutting edge guild, we are very transparent about that, we will push as far as our roster allows. Spots are not “competitive” to the point you will be replaced like they are in most guilds, at best you will be replaced at the end of a raid night to allow for further progression, But you will never be replaced on our roster as a person. Everyone gets a chance to get rotated in, this isn’t your run of the mill guild to where you will be sat indefinitely, this is about the experience and enjoying friends and making friends that have a lasting relationship and creating a home for you.

Our trial period is 3 weeks from the start of new raid week, if you join and come in on Thursday, it starts next Tuesday, gives everyone as a whole time to feel out the player and for the player to feel out the guild, and we will check your readiness, attendance, guild loyalty (Not getting saved to other raid lockouts), and just overall performance as a guild member, performance isn’t as much of an issue (as stated above), as everyone that wants to raid can get rotated in eventually and will see the content and get their gear, and caches and so forth.

Tuesday is generally our day to bring in the casuals or people who have sat and rotate them in, we generally make a cut group for Thursday and you will be rotated in accordingly if you got sat the week before and we can make room for you on the boss if it’s cleared and you were under performing the week before, this gives everyone a chance to see the bosses and everyone is treated as equals. This is being stated because a few of the raiders here have pushed to CE before, but understand the pace of which we run at. If you are expecting a tight competitive raid environment with the best of players, this guild isn’t for you.

we’re here to learn together and have fun together. We do actively look at logs to push on Thursday with the better players and if further cuts need to happen that will be sorted out, the cutting happens so the people who want a little faster progression get to get it down, if the dps or healing checks are just not passable, we will make it so those are passable, and as gear allows it makes it easier for us to pass gear down to the lower performing players so they can perform better and also enjoy their character as much as everyone else does.


We also have a pretty active M+ community, a lot of very capable players that do higher keys and a lot of people who will join you regardless of key level.

Please don’t hesitate to add any of the following people for more information or questions on discord.

GM = Tatercakes#6006
Officers = Lukailion#2378 or thilyn#9840 or Nion#2203
Recruiters = NightHawk625#0618 or JoJo#5670

Like to run mythic+ dungeons? Like to raid? We’re excited to meet you and add new friends to our community.