[H] The Syndicate is a social Raiding/WPVP guild of friends and players who enjoy progressing through current content, revisiting past content, having a laugh and cultivating a community atmosphere. After a break from Battle of Dazar’alor and Crucible of storms, we are looking into getting back into raiding and looking to expand our numbers going into 8.2.
We are currently recruiting both casual and raid members who:
• Are looking for a guild where social interactions play a big part (i.e. willing to get on Discord and join the conversation).
• Would like guild events and activities outside of raiding run regularly whether its World PvP, Bounty Hunting, Transmog competitions, or social games outside of WoW.
• Are looking for a home to raid with where you aren’t pressured to make every raid possible, we know life can get in the way of things and we always encourage life before Raiding
Our team is looking to run Azshara’s Eternal Palace on Normal and Heroic (after normal clear) twice a week without the stress of hardcore raiding. We have a relaxed atmosphere, but put our game faces on and focus when needed.
If you happen to be new to raiding there are plenty of willing and knowledgeable players to help you get confident and ready.
From our raiders we ask for:
• A willingness to learn and take direction.
• Understand that a Minimum ilvl will be required to join in the raids (400+ for normal, 410+ for heroic)
• Never be afraid to ask questions
Classes/Specs we need most
• Healers: Restoration Shaman, Mistweaver Monk, Holy Paladin
• DPS: Mostly need range DPS but can bring in melee as well
• Tanks: Can always use a backup tank incase myself or our offtank cant make it
7:30 Central U.S (Server time) invites go out pull ASAP end at 10 P.M Central server. We are based on Emerald Dream server.
Tuesday and Wednesday will be our main days and don’t forget you’re not pressured to show up every single time just when you can as long as minimum ilvl is met
Sunday or Monday can be days we put some extra time into raid runs if enough people want to go but Tuesday-Wedneday is our focus.
We used to try and do at least 1 or 2 mythic bosses on monday during Battle of Dazar’alor we can try that as well down the road
When we aren’t raiding you can find us running mythic+ groups, battlegrounds and fun activities. I will personally be helping people get their weekly Keystone runs for the week every week.
Contact Us:
If you are interested in joining contact:
Btag: Blacksabbath#11187
Btag: Legit#1834