[H] The Steelpaw Shaodin: The Emperor's Fist

There is no Black or White. Only Consequence.
The world does not acknowledge ethics or morality. There are no inert distinctions of good nor evil, only the result of choices and the impact on others. Balance is maintained by having a clear awareness that virtues are malleable and Harmony transcends the pendulum of ones code.

“The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”

Edit: Asit seems people may be inadventatly offended by the quotes of Ghengis Khan, as he wasn’t very PC, I guess I should say that in no way is this quote applicable to Lianshi’s guild, nor have I, the player of Nakhu nor the character himself, ever clasped anyone’s wife to a bosom save their own (mine in real life, Nakhu’s in game).

I’ve known Lianshi for some time and we share an interest in Asian military philosophy so I was simply sharing it in his thread. Should he be offended by it or think it reflects poorly on his guild, of which I am not a member, I shall remove it.

However, the apparent assumption that the “clasping” was nonconsensual is just that, an assumption, as the the Mongols were quite respective of woman’s rights, given the times, and Ghengis Khan had a polcy of expanding his following by the intermarriage of the women of conquered foes, not the forcible taking of the females of the conquered.

I hope that clears everything up to everyone’s satisfaction.

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This last part is a bit yikes.

Seems like the kind of thing the old horde would do, if that lore is still canon, but hopefully not the new horde and affiliates like the steelpaws?

Its a Ghenhis Khan quote…the Panda quotes are wisdom from tacticians such as Sun Tzu, so I tossed in a Great Khan one.


ooh wow, that makes sense! Thanks for teaching me something :smiley:

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Nah we good homie.

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After a successful summit hosted by the illustrious Kui Zhang, the Steelpaw begin to set the pieces of their next goals during this climate of tense peace. Bids to restore the Empire have not gone unnoticed by this enigmatic clan. Though whether they see this as a glorious chance to contribute to their nation’s glory or a threat to stability by clever opportunists remains to be seen…


…↓↘→ + Punch to the top!

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Your kung-fuis weak and your ancestors had a small appetite, as well as a fast metabolism.