[H] The Shed - Illidan 3/10M LFM DPS (T/Th 8-11 CST)

Hi all,

I’m the GM/RL for The Shed on Illidan (10/10H 3/10M). We are currently seeking two to three more DPS for mythic SoD progression.

  • We raid Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m.

  • IE offers a semi-hardcore raid environment with a good amount of jokes and banter while we down bosses. We all like each other and enjoy raiding, making for a very healthy albeit sometimes very silly environment.

  • Expectations for our raiders are to come prepared, to be able to respond positively to feedback, as well as be willing to adjust gameplay or UI accordingly when asked (nothing insane, DBM & MRT are required – sometimes unique Weak Auras are as well).

If you’re interested in learning more, please reach out to me on Discord (preferred) or Battle.net.

Spacefrog#2403 (Discord)
Spacefrog#11917 (Battle.net)