We are still looking for a few people to flesh out our roster. We run 3 10 man groups and a 25. We have a mix of regular raiders and casuals. Overall we are a very casual guild with zero tolerance for BS, loot drama, or drama lamas. When joining us its to join an be apart of the guild. NOT to get a raiding spot or guaranteed loot. If playing a game with likeminded folks and friends is below your priority for loot, then we are not the place for you and you will quickly be weeded out.
We are always running 5 mans and heroics, keying and attuning guildies and helping everyone out with enchants and raid mats from the guild bank. Discord is the heart of our community and is very active most of the day.
We use a simple MS>OS +2 loot system, and a 2 week trial on all new members to preserve gearing for those dedicated and regularly showing up over people who think they can join, gear and dip.
Min/maxers can and do have a place here, but high egoes, toxic, balls to the walls need not apply
Friday 9pm Raids - 25 man
Saturday 9pm Raids - 25 man
Sunday 9pm Raid - 10 man night, multiple groups (Kara, ZA )
Guild Raid Standing: (Phase 1)
Karazhan 11/11 - ON FARM
Gruul’s Lair 2/2 - ON FARM
Magtheridon 1/1 - ON FARM
All phase one raid content Downed pre nerfs
Guild Raid Standing: (Phase 2)
Serpentshrine Cavern 1/6
- Hydross the Unstable - DEAD
- The Lurker Below - ALIVE
- Leotheras the Blind - ALIVE
- Fathom-Lord Karathress - ALIVE
- Morogrim Tidewalker - ALIVE
- Lady Vashj - ALIVE
Tempest Keep 0/4 - Al’ar - ALIVE
- Void Reaver - ALIVE
- High Astromancer Solarian - ALIVE
- Kael’thas Sunstrider - ALIVE
Message below, in-game (Leavaris or /who the royal guard) or on BNET Leavaris#1533