The Phoenix Guard is a Horde guild on Quel’dorei (connected to Sen’jin) focused on building a great community for Battle for Azeroth. Our goals are semi-hardcore raiding and high Mythic+ keystone progression into competitive teams.
This guild aims to clear content quickly and efficiently, without the need for the toxic environment or an egotistic leadership core that plagues most serious guilds. We plan to work as a tight knit group of mature, silly, skilled, fun people whose attitudes mesh well together.
We are a collection of 8/12H raiders with a long history of progression raiding. Our Mythic Plus players range from 1500 to 3000 rating. Some members enjoy arguing passionately about lore, while some of our other members enjoy pet battles or PvP; so the diversity is real.
Raid Times
Friday: 6:30PM - 11:00 PM CST
Saturday: 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM CST
Feel free to contact any of our officers in game for more info or join our discord!
Rumblerawr / Mugwhomp The one, the only.
Puurseus / Davtumal The druid with the attitude.
Mysery / Holypaw He puts the lore in loremaster