[H] <The High Society> LF AOTC buds

What’s up, gamers? Checking out the MG forums again, trying to find that perfect fit? Looking for more of a social environment where you can learn, laugh, and love? The High Society wants you to join our ranch.

Who We Are
A group of fun people that enjoy playing the game with a casual mindset. We have a very welcoming, active Discord and enjoy shooting the breeze while we do stuff. Extremely welcoming atmosphere where it’s easy to get in on the fun!

What We’re About
We’re a very social group with a focus on AOTC raiding and mythic keys. This is a mostly 25+, indulgent bunch – expect adult language and music along with the life balance of adulting. We’re currently 10/10N, 3/10H with the goal of hitting AOTC and maybe putting our toes into Mythic raiding for those that are interested before the end of the patch.
Current Raid Times: 8-10 Server (9-11 EST), Friday & Saturday
We’re considering tweaking our raid schedule based on needs, so feel free to touch base and let me know what nights would work for you!

We Want You
Our major need right now is ranged DPS – pretty much in line with every other guild pushing raid! However, good fits will be reviewed case-by-case, so don’t hesitate to do a vibe check with us even if you’re melee. At the moment, we’d like to find 1-2 healers and 5-6 dps to bring us up to a stable 20-person group while we move toward AOTC. We’ll do a very brief trial period and if you perform too well or are too much fun – you’re stuck with us. Forever.

Give High a Try
No application needed – just reach out and chat with us and see if we’re the right home for you. You can hit up the GM, myself, or anyone else online if you’d like to know more.

Deputy Undersecretary for Talent Acquisition: Shockoclock
Dis: thengeance#4815
Blizz: thengeance#1753

GM: Vandesh or one of the 35+ Van-related alts
Dis: Theycallmeterry#3725
Blizz: Doominous#1650

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You’re missing a few bosses in there bud. 5/10H now baby!


Says you’re 5/10 noob


Thats 6/10 H ***

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