What’s up, gamers? Checking out the forums again, trying to find that perfect fit? Looking for more of a social environment where you can chase AOTC while doing some side PvP and M+? The High Society might just be what you’re looking for.
Who We Are
A group of fun people that enjoy playing the game with a true casual mindset. We explain mechanics, welcome new raiders, and try to avoid stress in our video game hobby. We have a very welcoming, active Discord and enjoy shooting the breeze while we do stuff in WoW or side games.
We focus primarily on AOTC raiding. This is a mostly 25+, indulgent bunch – expect adult language and shenanigans along with the life balance of adulting, kids, and work. We hit AOTC back in March but continue to clear regularly for newer members and alts. If we get to a large, stable group of raiders, we’re open to mucking around a bit in Mythic in the future, but it’s not a priority.
Current Raid Times: 7-9 Server (8-10 EST) Thursday; 8-10 Server (9-11 EST) Friday
We’re considering tweaking our raid schedule based on needs, but Friday is likely going to stay as the main raid night with a weekday thrown into the mix.
We Want You
We’re looking for cool people, not just bodies. I know, I know – Discord can be weird, connecting with new people can be weird, but that’s our social hub. We do have 2 consistent tanks for main raid, but other than that, we have lots of flexibility in what we’re willing to bring. You don’t have to talk – we have plenty of happy introverts – but we do ask that you join voice to listen. If you want a low stress social group to play WoW with, this really is a great place to find that.
Give High a Try
No application needed – just reach out and chat with us and see if we’re the right home for you or join up and join the fun. You’re welcome to ride along for some raids and see how we operate!
Deputy Undersecretary for Talent Acquisition: Shockoclock/Gabaguldan
Dis: thengeance#4815
Blizz: thengeance#1753