[H] <The Final Curtain> | 10 Man Raid Semi-Casual Recruitment | Saturdays 8:30pm-11:30pm EST

Hello Mankrik, The Final Curtain is a recently formed WoTLK Guild that is looking to recruit for our 10 man raid group. We are a semi-casual group of friends over the years that plan on raiding Saturdays 8:30pm-11:30pm EST. We are using Master Loot with MS > OS , where we make sure everyone gets at least one piece of loot before the night is over.

A little bit about us, we have played a bunch of different MMOs in the past together from BDO, Runescape, Tera, Guild Wars 2, FF14, and even retail WoW. We have a couple of new faces to WotLK Classic but are no strangers to group content from Savage Raids in FF14 or Mythic raids in retail. We are looking to have fun while getting phat loot!

We welcome all players from veterans to newbies but still expect all to contribute to the team in a meaningful fashion. Discord Required.

We are also willing to work with you to obtain pre-raid BIS for those willing as most of current team is already there. All exceptional players are welcomed but we are aiming
for the following additions to our team below.

Feel free to add my bnet tag at Jawtrick #1475 for more information.

Looking for:

Rogue/Feral Druid


Holy Paladin



We have joined with the guild and have moved to doing 25 man content starting at Saturday 10:30PM EST. If you are still interested in joining us as a group and raiding at this current town please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you for reading.