We’re a band of misfits that challenge the toxic norm in both our video games and real life. Our focus in-game is progression as a team and providing a safe and fun environment for learning new content and roles.
We’re seeking a few more mature players to fill out our small 10-15 person heroic raid team and join in our weekly mythic plus dungeoning. Our raid times are Sat/Sun 5-8pm EST and we run M+ regularly throughout the week.
Some of us are a lot more ambitious with M+ than raid, working towards KSM each season, but value working your way up and progressing naturally over getting carried – and we’re here to help with that process.
We coordinate over Discord so server transfers are optional. Please contact our recruitment officer, Keyastus, if you’d like to start a conversation and see if we’re a good fit for each other.
Keyastus#6110 (Discord) / Keyastus#11134 (B.Net)