[H] <The Emboldened> is recruiting members for Mythic Raiding!

The Emboldened is starting a mythic raid team for the next raid tier. We went 8/8H in Uldir, but felt the pains of burnout from a lot of the team. If you feel like heroic was just not a challenge and you’re looking to step things up a bit this may be the place for you.

To start things off we’re going to be looking for a Holy Paladin, another tank, and about 8-10 quality DPS to round out the 20 every week. Raid times will be
Tuesday and Wednesday 7:30-10:30 PM CST (server time). We will also be running a heroic raid on Sunday at 8 server that isn’t mandatory but encouraged to help fill in missing gear spots.

What we require from you:

  • Come to raids prepared (potions, enchants, gems)

  • Geared / statted properly

  • Come to raid on time (5-10 minutes before we start is preferred)

  • Supplement your raid drops with M+ and heroic/normal gear

What you get from us:

  • Raid Materials provided (feasts and flasks)

  • Provided repairs

  • A very active an engaging guild community - our calendar offers an array of events (rp - pvp - pve - guild events - give aways)

  • Experienced PVP leaders running multiple forms of PVP throughout the week on off raid nights.

If this is something you’re interested in contact me in game Kaarson#1792, or Serity#11192.


We provide the super high grade sim thingy too for those who want to use it! $$$

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